Sunday, May 14, 2017

Shattering Time Book Tour -- Stop 3 San Salvador Island and MUGSHOT Giveaway!

Welcome to Stop 3 on my Shattering (Island) Time tour. Today we are on beautiful San Salvador Island, one of the outer islands of the Bahamas.

Mug Shot CONTEST: Coffee and a book!

I’ve got this great 'lil book, Shattering Time, coming out next month full of adventure and wild windy weather and to help you relax while you read it (or one of my other books) I’d love to send you a cup of coffee (or tea) to slurp as you read. Heck I'll even send you one of my eBooks to enjoy as well. 

To enter all you have to do is take a mugshot of you and your favorite mug or one of my books (eBooks count) and post it in the comments of this blog or on my facebook page here. Winner will be selected on June 1, 2017.

San Salvador Island and Hurricane Frances

San Salvador Island was the unfortunate victim of Hurricane Frances at 5:00 pm on September 2, 2004 raging with 120 mph winds. 

September 2, 2004 Hurricane Frances passes over San Salvador.

Here is a picture of one such unfortunate house after the flooding that devastated part of the island.

Hurricane Frances plays an important role in Shattering Time as the driving force of the plot. Here is the link in case you wanted to check it out!  

You can vote on two book cover choices here on the first blog in the tour! 

Thankfully today there are no storms in site today. I have a lovely picnic for us. But first a little smidgen of history on the island. 

It’s widely believed that San Salvador Island was the location that Christopher Columbus first made landfall in the new world. How cool is that? He chose the name that translates to Christ our Savior.

In honor of Christopher and his discovery, we shall picnic near one of the many statues on the island on Long Bay named after the long boat Columbus used to reach the island. There is even an underwater monument where the anchor landed on October 12, 1492.

Columbus Monument on Long Bay, San Salvador Island

In our picnic basket today I am serving cracked conch salad with lime civiche. If you want to know about this delicious local favorite click here. The cooler has a few sandwiches if you're not a conch salad kind of gal or guy. 

Conch Salad

Plans for the day!

Okay fun filed day ahead and here is your voting block for our San Salvador adventure. What is your pleasure? 

1. A day at the Great Lake Preserve that stretches through the center of the island. 

2. Or we could spend the afternoon exploring historic Watling's Castle, an 18 century Loyalist castle, a three story great house and other outbuildings plus the restored great house, named after George Watling. 

3. If you're a snorkeler we'd have a great time exploring the islands on a boat with World Island Tours. 

4. If you prefer more of an underwater adventure we can dive with Seafari. 

5. Lastly, we can always just chill at one of the 200 sunny beaches and have a lazy beach day. 

Vote now!  

San Salvador Island Itinerary

1. Great Lake Preserve
2. Watling's Castle
3. Snorkeling Excursion with World Island Tours
4. Diving with Seafari
5. Lazy Beach Day
Please Specify:
quotes 2 know

If you’ve missed book one in the series, Stealing Time,which has been described as “breathtakingly original” time travel suspense, please check it out below so you’ll be ready to read Shattering Time (although it is a stand alone book as well.) It has a 4.6 rating out of 5.0 stars on Amazon and it’s only $2.99 for the eBook. 

Check out my other books here. They are all available on Amazon and are free with Kindle Unlimited.


Other Shattering (Island) Time Fun!

Don't miss the exciting tidbits on my other posts in the Shattering (Island) Time Book Tour:

1. Stop 1 -- Cover Reveal and Vote -- You can vote on two book cover choices on the first blog in the tour! 
Join the fun at out my other stops!

2. Stop 2 -- 
British Virgin Islands -- For a sneak peek of another chapter of Shattering Time click here in the second blog in the tour!

3. Stop 3 -- SAN SALVADOR ISLAND – Enjoy the amazing sites on San Salvador Island where we learn about the history and geology

4. Stop 4 -- CAT ISLAND-- Get a sneak peek into Shattering Time’ first time travel event to Cat Island Bahamas in the middle of the hurricane.

5. Stop 5 -- The Bahamas -- Swim with the pigs on this cool island with wild pigs. Join the #mugshot contest for a book and a coffee (Closed).

6. Stop 6 -- 
Southlea Bay -- Celebrate the launch of another island full of fun friends with Suzanne Kelman's Rejected Writer's Take the Stage.

7. Stop 7 – Turks and Caicos– Enjoy a romp in the waves on horseback and meet a trained conch. Vote on your favorite island outing. 

8. Stop 8 – Florida and the Book a Day Giveaway – I’m giving away a book a day until launch. Enjoy and exclusive excerpt of Ronnie's most dangerous time travel adventure to 1588 American colonies.