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Blondies Books From Friends' -- Author Spotlight Chief Thomas J. Nichols
I'm quite excited to bring you my latest Author Spotlight on Chief Thomas J. Nichols. Thomas is a retired Police Chief and witnessed a lot of crazy things and add that to a fantastic imagination he has created some exciting stories. One of those stories I will share with you today. Please read the summary and excerpt below on Voices in the Fog.Giveaway!
Thomas is giving away one signed copy of Voices in the Fog. To enter to win please send a one sentence summary of the excerpt to Type BFF in the subject line.All entrants must live in the United States. Submissions will be accepted through 12:01 May 9, 2015 (central time).
Chief Thomas J Nichols |
Voices in the Fog
Christie Cole was ready to begin her career as a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A new graduate of the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, she eagerly awaited her first assignment.
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Click here for the Amazon page |
She was to accept an undercover role in a branch of the FBI she never knew existed – a secret arm of the Bureau that reached into the inner core of governments worldwide. To conceal her true identity and to protect her life and her assignment, she would take on the persona of a newly created woman, Ann Marie Beaudet. Christie Cole would cease to exist on the face of the earth.
Her investigation into the private and professional life of a Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court would take her to the depths of international intrigue, and place her in harm’s way from enemies of the United States. She would soon be at the center of an international conflict of disastrous proportions
reaching the countdown to nuclear war.
Here is a sneak peak on Voices in the Fog:
With blinding speed, the chopper zoomed directly toward the guardhouse and loosed its rockets and machine guns into the building. The light of the explosions blinded the remote controlled camera. Moments later, the fire died down. Rucinski and Williams saw the charred remains of the building and the pickup truck that was parked in front of it.
Less than three hours ago, two guards relieved the others who went back to the house for the night. Now, they were dead. Just like the four at Mi Tios, and the other four in Laredo. The attack group hit the two houses at the precise moment the rockets hit the gatehouse. The assault team came in from three sides. They lobbed flash-bang grenades and high tech hydro-stink bombs through the windows – all of the windows except the one to Gonzales’ bedroom.
The flash-bangs were vivid and deafening, the explosive sound of dynamite. They caused anyone near where they landed to be stunned for a few moments, or possibly deafened for life. The hydro-stink grenades, one of the newest additions to their arsenal, were ultra-putrid stink weapons; so powerfully strong that even the bravest of men would have only two reactions, puke and get away! Between them, the grenades that were thrown through the windows disabled the guards. With any luck at all, the judge might be scared out of his wits, but he would be safe.
The masked assault team entered the houses with programmed exactitude. They walked methodically through the buildings, room-to-room, closet to closet, their automatic weapons spitting .223 bullets at the rate of seven hundred rounds per minute. It was over in a matter of seconds. Three men and the woman were dead or dying. Only the Honorable Ricardo Huerta Gonzales remained alive – they hoped.
Other Books by Thomas J. Nichols
Color of the Prism
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Click here for the Amazon link |
Sweet Emily
Follow Detective Mike Palotti of the Dallas Police Department as he searches for a serial killer, striking at-will and mimicking the work of infamous serial murders from recent decades throughout the country.
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Find it on Amazon here. |
The Third Dawn
The Third Dawn takes readers on a biblical journey in the company of Jesus of Nazareth. Told through the eyes of the Savior's lifelong companion and guardian angel, Nur, the novel begins shortly after the birth of the Messiah and follows the life of Jesus until His death and glorious Resurrection.![]() |
Find the Third Dawn here on Amazon |
Connect with Thomas J. Nichols
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Here are the book links for my novel STEALING TIME

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