Thursday, August 1, 2013

Blondie's Interview in the Pool -- Stealing Time Character Interview -- Ronnie Andrews

 Blondie's Interview in the Pool
I am in the process of editing my first novel, Stealing Time, and looking forward to getting it out into the world. A few blog posts ago I promised an interview
with the characters of my novel so I've traveled back to August 12, 2004, to meet with Ronnie Andrews, the heroine, just before the book begins.

Let's surprise her at her apartment. She's probably unpacking since she just moved here yesterday. *Knock, knock*

Oh, hi KJ. I didn't expect you so early. I was just about to take a dip in the pool. You want to join me?

Heck yeah, I never pass up an opportunity to swim. Look at you in your bikini, Ronnie. (Guys too bad you can't see this, she looks amazing in her aqua bikini and wrap!) Smokin'!

What this? *blushes* Well thank you KJ. Let me grab a towel and sunscreen. OK, let's go.

I'm going to feature you on my blog, Blondie in the Water. You've heard of it, right? *Ronnie locks the door to apartment and we walk down a curved pathway towards the pool.*

Of course I have! I love your water adventures. I'm a water girl too and I can't get enough of it. That’s something I’m looking forward to about living here in Florida -- I will be able to spend more time in the pool and ocean with an extended summer.

Yes, I loved living in Florida. Only down side were the hurricanes.

I know, you've heard about Hurricane Charlie -- it's heading this way. Do you think it will hit here in Orlando?

Who knows? *Wink* A hurricane has not hit Central Florida in 60 years, but watching the news it does look like a wicked storm -- a category 3 now and strengthening, and should make landfall somewhere in Florida tomorrow.

Oh, no, I have a bad feeling about this.

The outer bands of Hurricane Charley engulfing downtown Orlando, Friday, August 13, 2004.
Want to feel the power of this storm, read the prologue to Stealing Time here.
Maybe it would be smart to fill your tank with gas and buy some water. 

Yeah, when I get out of the pool I'll have to get to the store. What a warm welcome to Florida, right?

Man this pool is huge! Can we get neck deep while we talk? 

Sure, lets get in. I can hear it calling me. *Peels off her wrap*

Jeez Louise, Ronnie, I bet you have all the guys hitting on you.

Haha. Oh stop! Let's get in the pool.

Tomorrow is your birthday, isn't it? And Friday the 13th! Do you have any plans?

I guess I'm going to be keeping an eye on Charlie! Ha! I am supposed to have a romantic birthday dinner with my boyfriend, Jeffrey, but I don't know if we'll be able to if the storm hits. He will have to go to work if it gets anywhere close. *Ronnie dips her pink painted toe in the water*

Work? Why would he work during a hurricane?

Jeffrey is finding ways to store the power from big storms or something along those lines. My eyes glaze over when he uses big fancy scientific words. But he will monitor the storm from his lab until it ends, if it comes close enough.

I see. Well, I hope you have a great birthday. I'm certain it will be memorable. *Wink*

Thanks! I think it will be with a Friday the 13th storm approaching! Not something that happens every birthday!

Why did you move from Virginia Beach? I'm guessing it had something to do with Jeffrey's great brain.

Yes, it did. Also, my best friend Stephanie McKay moved to Orlando awhile ago and I wanted to be near her. She's on her way over here now to help me unpack, if you stick around you might get to meet her. You're going to love her! She's Scottish and she uses all these weird Scottish words like 'palather' and 'strammash.'

I love the Scots! They have such a great sense of humor. You've probably noticed in my blog that I've mentioned them a few times. Especially Gerard Butler.

Yes, I noticed. I love Gerard Butler, too. I'm starting a new job on Monday and I have to admit my boss looks a bit like him!

You are a very lucky gal. How will you resist his charms?

Haha, KJ! I have a boyfriend, remember. He is smart, sexy and fun. I don't need a Gerard Butler look-alike. Now do I?

Doesn't everyone need a Gerard Butler look alike in their lives? C'mon. Let's get in the pool -- it's getting hot out here.

Ok. *We both slide into the warm blue water* I suppose it could be a lot worse. Anyway, after Jeffrey moved to Florida six months ago for his work I started looking for a job in the area so I could be near both of them.

Man this water is warm and delicious! How do you like Florida so far?

It's a beautiful part of the country. Not really the south, but definitely not the North either. I'm a bit worried about the hurricanes though. I went through Hurricane Isabelle in Virginia Beach last year -- don't really want to relive that!

Hurricane Isabel as it approached Virginia Beach.

I hear it's going to be a bad hurricane season. You may wish you moved down in October instead of August.

Oh man, don't say that. I have heard it is supposed to be a very active year. We've had a lot of storms in the Mid-Atlantic the last few years. I hope they stay up that way now that I'm down here.

Yeah, not likely. Great backdrop for my trilogy, though. So many storms, so little time. Let's talk about something else.

Hurricane Charley hitting Orlando area, August 13, 2004.

What trilogy?

Oh, did I mention I'm writing a book? It started off as one long book, but now I've split into three.

That's exciting. I've read a bit on your blog about it. Tell me more.

A very sexy blonde travels back in time during a hurricane and tries to find her way back. It's a thriller with a splash of history and definitely a page turner.

Sounds great! I love time travel books.

How convenient! What are you reading now?

Jeffrey got me Outlander by Diana Gabaldon on CD for my drive down and to listen to while I unpack. It's a great book, have you read it?

Yes, I have, it's one of my favorites. How nice for you get you in the right frame of mind, too. She goes back to Scotland, right?

Yes, she does. I love all the weird things that happen to her, I mean women were treated so differently back then. It fascinates me!

I'm very glad to hear that Ronnie. That will come in handy for you. How do you feel about London in the 18th century?

What are you talking about?

Race you to the other side! *Pulls down goggles and swims my best butterfly stroke to the other side of the pool.*

Shoot we're out of time. Thank you so much for joining us here on Blondie in the Water.

Stay tuned next time for a quick interview with Jeffrey Brennan, scientist and Ronnie's hot brilliant boyfriend. I hope to have Stealing Time out this fall-ish available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other outlets. Thank you so much for stopping by!

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When I'm not working on Stealing Time you can find me on my social media at the links below. I hope to have my novel completed by Spring of 2014 with book two of Stealing TIme close behind.