Saturday, July 30, 2016

Terry Person part 2

Terry Persun -- Episode 46 -- Doublesight into Kindle Worlds

This week on Blondie and the Brit we bring you Terry Persun and the second half of his podcast we aired in January. Terry is an award-winning Amazon bestselling author who writes multiple genres and teaches, among other things, an entire day course on Amazon at his writing conferences.
In this interview he shares with us his tips on becoming an Amazon best seller and how to best organize your book launch for success. He also introduces us to Kindle Worlds with his fantasy novel Doublesight. You definitely do not want to miss this episode. 

Here is the first half of the interview. This is really one of the most informative interviews we've had. Terry presents his information is such a humble and interesting way it's a joy to listen. There is something for everyone in this week's podcast with seasoned author Terry Persun from tips on writing romantic scenes to learning to turn off your inner critic to boost the writing process. He encourages writers to engage in other endeavors like poetry, acting, or jewelry making to inspire your craft. Terry shares so many insights that we couldn't resist keeping him on the phone for longer for part two of the interview to air later in the year. You won't want to miss this one.