Sunday, May 21, 2017

Shattering (Island) Time Book Tour -- Stop 4 Cat Island Bahamas

Shattering (Island) Time Book Tour - Stop 4 Cat Island

Today on my Shattering (Island) Time Book Tour we visit the tiny island in the Bahamas where Hurricane Francis passed nearby in 2004 causing major damage to the Bahamas destroying most of its agricultural industry.

Cat Island Bahamas

In my upcoming release, Shattering Time, Ronnie is sent to Cat Island circa 1952 after a violent storm and subsequent shipwreck. Here is a snippet from that moment in Ronnie’s story in the world debut of her second-time travel experience in the series. 

I present to you one chapter from Shattering Time--Mangled Mast. 

The only sound Ronnie heard was in sharp contrast to her emotions. The soothing whoosh, whoosh of waves lapping on the beach. She held her breath and listened. The distant seagull cawing added to the feeling of the sea. There was a distinct fishy smell bringing her back to her childhood summers in Sandbridge.

Read more here! (Click on this link to take you to the google doc for the full chapter.)

Cat Island

Cat Island is one of the most underdeveloped islands in the Bahamas alas making it a perfect place to explore without the crowds you will find elsewhere in the Caribbean. It was named after the pirate Arthur Catt, a pal of Blackbeard, and is about 48 miles long.  For me this is a perfect nearly untouched paradise of beachy goodness.  

Need a visual? Here is a quick video and tour of the island. Note the band at the end around the campfire. We'll talk about that in a minute.

It holds some fascinating locations for us to explore. It also is the boyhood home to Sir Sidney Poitier, just outside of Arthur’s Town, which in itself makes it a magical place.

For those of you who know me you know I’m a mermaid-wanna-be and at my true bliss when submerged neck deep in a warm body of water. 

What better place to start our journey today than Mermaid Hole ripe with legends of magical creatures that lurk about. Please vote on the next adventure on the island. You can decide what we explore next. Here are your choices.

   1.  Visit the other mysterious holes, or lakes each with their own legends. I will make you swim in the water though so be forewarned.

A variety of inland underground cave systems burst forth in various holes around the island each full of local legends. Boiling Hole is one that looks as if the water was boiling, due to a tidal condition. If you’re a local you may believe a sea monster is responsible for the water's movement. The allure of the surrounding mangrove trees and pool full of baby sharks and rays would make this a top priority for this mermaid.

In the Big Blue Hole, with its strong ocean current that connects it to the sea, lurks a horse-devouring monster where you will not find many locals. They especially will not enter the water for fear of this beast. Are you brave enough to take a dip with me?

2. Hermitage Stone Monastery on Mount Alvernia.

On the highest point the Bahamas (206 whole feet) this gorgeous place gives you a 60-mile view of the island. A miniature monastery built by Monsignor Jerome Hawes, called the Heritage, was built in 1939 to provide a sanctuary for meditation. The cliff is named after Mt. Alvernia in Tuscan where St. Francis received the wounds of the cross.

   3. Ruins of Deveaux Mansion and Armbriser Plantation

Colonel Andrew Deveaux was awarded this antebellum-style cotton plantation for protecting the Bahamas from the Spanish in 1783. If you're a history buff this is a great day trip.

   4. Beach Day at Fernandez Bay Village Bay 

Rose and white sand beaches and the best snorkeling in the area await our adventurous water-loving hearts. Nearby are the mangroves home to land crabs and other interesting wildlife.

   5. Arthur’s Town – Boyhood home to Sidney Poitier at the Rake and Scrape Festival

Sidney Poitier was born in Miami but grew up on Cat Island in Arthur’s Town. Until he was 11  when his father moved them to Nassau towards  greener pastures (no, literally, he was a farmer.)

   If you time it just right (for our purposes we will) you can enjoy the Cat Island Rake and Scrape Festival that is held annually to send one student to college of the Bahamas. Here we will immerse ourselves in local island tradition of a battle of local bands in the style of rake and scrape – homemade instruments wood, fishing line, tin tubs, saw players, conch horns, comb and even smoking goat drums that are heated by the fire and smoke as they’re played.  

Vote for your favorite destination on Cat Island:

Cat Island Itinerary

1. Mysterious Holes
2. Hermitage Stone Monastery on Mount Alvernia
3. Ruins of Deveaux Mansion and Armbriser Plantation
4. Beach Day at Fernandez Bay Village Bay

Arthur’s Town Rake and Scrape Festival
make free surveys

Other Shattering (Island) Time Fun!

Don't miss the exciting tidbits on my other posts in the Shattering (Island) Time Book Tour:

1. Stop 1 -- Cover Reveal and Vote -- You can vote on two book cover choices on the first blog in the tour! 
Join the fun at out my other stops!

2. Stop 2 -- 
British Virgin Islands -- For a sneak peek of another chapter of Shattering Time click here in the second blog in the tour!

3. Stop 3 -- SAN SALVADOR ISLAND – Enjoy the amazing sites on San Salvador Island where we learn about the history and geology

4. Stop 4 -- CAT ISLAND-- Get a sneak peek into Shattering Time’ first time travel event to Cat Island Bahamas in the middle of the hurricane.

5. Stop 5 -- The Bahamas -- Swim with the pigs on this cool island with wild pigs. Join the #mugshot contest for a book and a coffee (Closed).

6. Stop 6 -- 
Southlea Bay -- Celebrate the launch of another island full of fun friends with Suzanne Kelman's Rejected Writer's Take the Stage.

7. Stop 7 – Turks and Caicos– Enjoy a romp in the waves on horseback and meet a trained conch. Vote on your favorite island outing. 

8. Stop 8 – Florida and the Book a Day Giveaway – I’m giving away a book a day until launch. Enjoy and exclusive excerpt of Ronnie's most dangerous time travel adventure to 1588 American colonies.

Stealing Time

If you’ve missed book one in the series, Stealing Time, that has been described as “breathtakingly original” time travel suspense, please check it out below so you’ll be ready to read Shattering Time (although it is a stand alone book as well.) It has a 4.6 rating out of 5.0 stars on Amazon and it’s only $2.99 for the eBook. 

Check out my other books here. They are all available on Amazon and are free with Kindle Unlimited.