Welcome to the first annual Blondie and the Brit
Awards and Birthday Bash celebration! If you’ve grabbed your party hat please
don it and join in. Thank you for all of your votes, shares and support! This has been a fantastic five weeks of voting. We appreciate all of your support. |
First things first. All of our winners will receive:
A Blondie and the Brit award (pictured above),
The opportunity for a second interview on the show sometime in the
next year,
A widget for your website with your award announcement,
A Best of Blondie and the Brit podcast with a quick interview
update for those who make themselves available,
Listing on our website under Awards Winners, and
Eternal bragging rights.
SJ Hermann Podcast Hero Award
SJ Hermann
Our first award is one of our Blondie and Brit Hero
Awards. Congratulations to SJ Hermann for being our first recipient of The Blondie
and The Brit Hero Award. SJ’s is an emphatic supporter of Blondie and the Brit,
both in reposting about our books and our supporting our podcast in general, he
is also an encouraging advocate for all Indie Authors. One of our earlier
interviews, his podcast has far surpassed any other in the number of downloads.
S.J. is a writer of paranormal, science fiction, horror and urban fantasy
novels. You can find out more about him here on his website. http://sjhermannauthor.blogspot.com/
Category 1 – Best Social Media Tip
Our nominees for the Best Social
Media tip are:
And our winner is:
Rachel Thompson
We loved this tip from Rachel
Thompson about her #MondayBlogs creation. Rachel had so many great author tips
it was hard to pick just one to feature. Congrats Rachel for the win! Please
check out her website at http://rachelintheoc.com/.
Category 2 – Most Creative Book Promotion
The nominees
for the Most Creative Book Promotion Award are:
Caragh O'Brien --
California Drought
Ian Mackenzie -- South African Politics
Vaun Murphrey -- Science in the News
Amy Quick Parrish -- Web Series to Pilot to Novel
Barbara Sissel Taylor -- Living on the Grounds of a
Correctional Facility
Drake Carpenter -- Ideas Form in the Bath
Nicole Waggoner
Our winner in the category Most Creative Book Promotion is the
amazing Nicole Waggoner. No surprises here! Her tip on how to pull a potential
reader into a second book in a series was a great promotional tool. Both
Blondie and the Brit are planning on using this one in their own upcoming
books. Check out her website http://www.nicolewaggonerauthor.com/
Category 3 – Best
Fangirl/Boy Story
Caragh O'Brien -- California Drought
Ian Mackenzie -- South African Politics
Vaun Murphrey -- Science in the News
Amy Quick Parrish -- Web Series to Pilot to Novel
Barbara Sissel Taylor -- Living on the Grounds of a Correctional Facility
Emily Drake Carpenter -- Ideas Form in the Bath
Our winner in the category Most Creative Book Promotion is the amazing Nicole Waggoner. No surprises here! Her tip on how to pull a potential reader into a second book in a series was a great promotional tool. Both Blondie and the Brit are planning on using this one in their own upcoming books. Check out her website http://www.nicolewaggonerauthor.com/
nominees in this category are:
Kim Harris
Congratulations to Kim Hunt Harris
for winning Best Fangirl story. Kim’s interview was hilarious and we really
loved hearing her story about meeting Diana Gabaldon. Diana is KJ’s favorite
author so I agree with our audience on this one for sure. Thank you Kim for
giving us a great interview with such a great clip. You can find out more about
Kim on her website http://kimhuntharris.com/.
Category 4 – Funniest Podcast
Our nominees for this category are:
Kerry Schafer
-- Twitter Shenanigans
J.D. Lexx --
Lightning Round Hilarity
Sharon Anderson
-- Phone a Friend
Luke Romyn --
Bicycle Underpants Story
Lynn Lamb --
Burning Down the House
J.D. Lexx
There were many podcasts we could have included in this award as we have had so much fun with so many authors, however we had to narrow it down and the winner in the category with the most votes from our podcast audience is J.D. Lexx with his incredible wit who kept us laughing through the whole interview. Learn more about J.D. on his website http://www.jdlexx.com/.
Kerry Schafer -- Twitter Shenanigans
J.D. Lexx -- Lightning Round Hilarity
Sharon Anderson -- Phone a Friend
Luke Romyn -- Bicycle Underpants Story
Lynn Lamb -- Burning Down the House
Susan Wingate Podcast Hero Award
Susan Wingate
We are honored to introduce to you to another amazing author who
is recipient of our second Blondie and The Brit Hero Award. Susan Wingate is
not only a fabulous writer but she is also a great support and resources for
other writers. Over the last year we have felt Susan's support in so many
different ways from helping us through our book launches and Facebook parties
to interviewing us on her own podcast. Both a traditionally and Indie author
she extents herself in so many way to support the writing community, through
her classes, her online influence and her whole-hearted devotion to her craft.
We can't think of a better choice for our special hero award. Thank you Susan
for all you do. You can find more about Susan by visiting her website
here: http://www.susanwingate.com/
Category 5 – Best New Author Story
Our next category was Best New Author Story where authors shared
how they were discovered. Our nominees are:
Darynda Jones -- Agent Beauty Contest
Susan Spann -- Ten Years of Tenacity
Patricia Sands -- Every Day is a Gift
David Estes -- Accountant to Full-Time Writer on the Beach
And the Winner is: Darynda Jones
Darynda Jones -- Agent Beauty Contest
Susan Spann -- Ten Years of Tenacity
Patricia Sands -- Every Day is a Gift
David Estes -- Accountant to Full-Time Writer on the Beach
Congrats! Darynda was our very first aired interview on October 1, 2015. Her story of being discovered by St. Martin’s Press after winning the Golden Heart Romance Award was a very inspiring. Thank you Darynda for giving us your time and talents for our debut podcast. You can find out more about Darynda at http://www.daryndajones.com/.Here is the winning clip from Darynda https://clyp.it/notykb11
Category 6 – Most Helpful Writing Process
for the Most Helpful Writing Process award are:
Robinette -- The Pomodoro Method
Graeme Ing --
Scrivener Software for Writers
Deb Lund --
Increasing the Conflict and Suspense in Fiction
Terry Persun --
Fostering Creativity in your Life to Enhance Your Writing
Ellie Alexander
-- Writing in Layers to Enhance the Story
Melody Robinette -- The Pomodoro Method
Graeme Ing -- Scrivener Software for Writers
Deb Lund -- Increasing the Conflict and Suspense in Fiction
Terry Persun -- Fostering Creativity in your Life to Enhance Your Writing
Ellie Alexander -- Writing in Layers to Enhance the Story
![]() |
Melody Robinette |
We are excited to announce the Most
Helpful Writing Process winner is Melody Robinette.
Our listeners
deemed this as the Most Helpful Writing Process. We were so glad to meet this
great author and KJ has already tried and used this writing tip successfully.
Melody Robinette was our winner with her great Pomodoro technique. Find out
more about Melody on her website: https://melodyrobinette.com/
Category 7 – Most Inspired Storytelling
nominees for our Most Inspired Storytelling category are:
Robinette -- The Pomodoro Method
Graeme Ing -- Scrivener Software for Writers
Deb Lund --
Increasing the Conflict and Suspense in Fiction
Terry Persun --
Fostering Creativity in your Life to Enhance Your Writing
Ellie Alexander
-- Writing in Layers to Enhance the Story
Vaun Murphrey is the winner of the
Most Inspired Storytelling with her description of what inspires her science
fiction writing. I loved this clip where she shares the scientific articles
that were the spark for two of her novels. Congratulations Vaun! We loved your
interview and were glad you were able to stay up past 8:00 pm to talk to us. Check
her out on her website http://www.vaunmurphrey.com/.
Melody Robinette -- The Pomodoro Method
Graeme Ing -- Scrivener Software for Writers
Deb Lund -- Increasing the Conflict and Suspense in Fiction
Terry Persun -- Fostering Creativity in your Life to Enhance Your Writing
Ellie Alexander -- Writing in Layers to Enhance the Story
Martin Lastrapes Hero Award
Martin Lastrapes
We are so excited to introduce to you to our third amazing author who is the recipient of our Blondie and The Brit Hero Award. Martin
Lastrapes was a great support to us and our podcast when we first launched
and featured us on his Podcast for an in depth interview. Martin is an
award-winning novelist, a Buffy enthusiast, and a podcaster. His debut novel, Inside the Outside, has
been praised by readers and critics alike and in the spring of 2012 it won
the Grand Prize in the
Paris Book Festival. You can find out more about Martin
here on his website: http://www.martinlastrapes.com/
Category 8 – Best Professional Publishing Tip
Nominees for the Best Professional
Publishing Tip are:
Jeri Walker
Our winner for the Best
Professional Tip is Jeri Walker! Congrats! Jeri joined us on the program to
talk editing and we ended up learning a lot about blogging and other author
marketing resources. Thank you for sharing your expertise Jeri! For more great
book marketing and writing advice check out her blog http://jeriwb.com/.
Best Overall Podcast -- Blondie’s Choice
The last category for us is our overall personal favorite podcasts. We both chose the one we had enjoyed the most over the whole year.
I’m so excited to announce
Blondie’s Choice award for my favorite podcast of the year. Rachel Thompson!
I chose Rachel’s podcast for this
award because of the endless great advice contained within. We gave you her
clip on #MondayBlogs but it truly was hard to choose the best one in the
interview that we spread out into two podcasts because it was so full of great
author and book marketing tips and advice. Rachel gives back so much to our
author community with her #bookmarketing chats Wednesday nights, her great
articles on her blog and endless great content and tips.
Thank you Rachel! Stay tuned
because next week we will have an update from Rachel on the podcast about all
of the new and exciting things she is working on now.
Best Overall Podcast -- Brit’s Choice – Terry Persun
For the Brit, there was no contest for this
award. This author was not only gracious, funny, and informative. He was also
one of the most versatile and knowledgeable authors I have ever met. We ended
up interviewing him twice for an hour each time and he had new and interesting
things to say. I also had my writers “ahh” moment during one of those
Terry Persun
I am excited to announce that the Brits favorite over all podcast
interview went to the amazing Terry Persun. Thank you Terry for all you do for
authors and for the amazing creative spirit you are. You can find out more about Terry at http://www.terrypersun.com/
to all of our Winning Authors
Thank you for all of your support of the podcast and
Suzanne and KJ.
Don't miss an episode, subscribe on:
Podbean: http://blondieandbrit.podbean.com/
Free Chapters of KJ Waters' Upcoming Release!
As a party favor KJ is offering the first two chapters of
her next novel, Shattering Time. Please click on the link here. http://www.kjwaters.com/shattering-time-book-2
You can have the first six chapters of Shattering time (the sequel to Stealing Time) by
subscribing to her newsletter here. http://www.kjwaters.com/
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